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King Solomon International Business School



Curriculum (Key Stage 3 & 4)

The Six Pillars of Our Curriculum Vision

The Main Curriculum

The King Solomon International Business School Curriculum

The curriculum taught at King Solomon is broad and balanced and is based on the National Curriculum. 

The vision of King Solomon is to achieve education excellence, develop students with exemplary character, prepare students to effectively live, work and trade in the global economy and ensure all students succeed. 

We pursuit academic excellence for our students and education is an essential tool for preparing our students to effectively live, work and trade in the global economy. We value highly, business, community, and school partnerships and intend to involve them at local, national and global level. Finally, we aim to nurture each child to ensure students aim high and become successful members of the community.

In developing a knowledge-rich curriculum that includes the skills and attitudes that contribute to success, we ensure that there is an emphasis on:

  • understanding how children learn;
  • developing higher order learning skills;
  • fostering a love of reading; and
  • challenging students to think about why they are learning as well as what they are learning.

The school is structured around a three-year Key Stage 3 and an enriched two-year Key Stage 4, followed by a Key Stage 5 (sixth form) curriculum offer. Students sit nationally-recognised assessments and gain nationally-recognised qualifications at the end of Key Stages 4 and 5. 


To ensure this is the case we provide a broad, balanced, challenging and relevant curriculum across all subjects, as well as appropriate levels of expectation and genuine challenge. Throughout EYFS, primary, secondary and the Sixth Form, we apply age-related relevance, continuity and progression in learning to ensure every student can aim high. Each Faculty has their own specific aims linked to our overall intention and are committed to enabling the greatest of success for all our students.  We have a strong personal development programme that is designed to develop their personal, social, moral and cultural awareness. Our Form Time activities building student independence and developing a sense of responsibility.  We provide courses of study and teaching methods that promote engagement and enquiry, are tailored to the wide range of needs, interests and aspirations of our students.

Faculty Curriculum 


English Curriculum Overview 


Maths Curriculum Overview 


Science Curriculum Overview


Computer Science Curriculum Overview

Health and Social Care Overview

PE Curriculum Overview

Business Overview 


Curriculum Values

Spanish Curriculum Overview

Geography Curriculum Overview

History Curriculum Overview  (KS3 History) (KS4 History)

Religious Studies Curriculum Overview

Expressive Arts

Art Curriculum Overview

Food and Textiles Curriculum Overview

Drama Curriculum Overview

Music Curriculum Overview


(Click Below For More Information)

Key Principles:  

 We pursuit academic excellence for our students and education is an essential tool for preparing our students to effectively live, work and trade in the global economy. We value highly, business, community, and school partnerships and intend to involve them at local, national and global level. Finally, we aim to nurture each child to ensure students aim high and become successful members of the community.

In developing a knowledge-rich curriculum that includes the skills and attitudes that contribute to success, we ensure that there is an emphasis on:

  • understanding how children learn;
  • developing higher order learning skills;
  • fostering a love of reading; and
  • challenging students to think about why they are learning as well as what they are learning.

The school is structured around a three-year Key Stage 3 and an enriched two-year Key Stage 4, followed by a Key Stage 5 (sixth form) curriculum offer. Students sit nationally-recognised assessments and gain nationally-recognised qualifications at the end of Key Stages 4 and 5. 


To ensure this is the case we provide a broad, balanced, challenging and relevant curriculum across all subjects, as well as appropriate levels of expectation and genuine challenge. Throughout EYFS, Primary, Secondary and the Sixth Form, we apply age-related relevance, continuity and progression in learning to ensure every student can aim high. Each Faculty has their own specific aims linked to our overall intention and are committed to enabling the greatest of success for all our students.  We have a strong personal development programme that is designed to develop their personal, social, moral and cultural awareness. Our Form Time activities building student independence and developing a sense of responsibility.  We provide courses of study and teaching methods that promote engagement and enquiry, are tailored to the wide range of needs, interests and aspirations of our students.

Key Stage 3

The timetable in operation is based on a 25 period week. There are 5 periods of 60 minutes each day. Our KS3 curriculum bridges the gap between primary and secondary school through a focus on developing core skills plus wider knowledge and understanding derived from a thematic curriculum linking subject areas:  English, Mathematics, Science, PE, History, Geography, RE, Technology & Art, Modern Foreign Languages (French), Drama & Music, Computing and PSHE. Our school day is structured to support this curriculum by enabling a mixture of double and single lessons in response to the differing learning needs of each subject.

Key Stage 4

The KS4 curriculum meets the needs of our students by incorporating the opportunity for both academic and vocational study.  We ensure a personalised offer via our curriculum pathways that are suited to the needs of all our students. We aim to give each student the chance to succeed by offering an appropriate range of qualifications. However, for some students, a continued focus on core skills (and consequent reduction in optional subjects) is more important.  The KS4 programme of study commences in Year 10, with all students beginning GCSE courses in the core subjects of English (Language and Literature), Mathematics and Science.  For the optional GCSE subjects that we offer, students undertake ‘taster’ GCSE sessions in order to help them make their choices.  By the end of Year 9, each student formally selects optional GCSE subjects to study in years 10 and 11 to supplement the core GCSE subjects.  Some students follow a vocational course as an alternative to one or more GCSE subjects.  It is our aim that all students will participate in one week of work experience or community service by the end of year 10 and, for a limited number of students, this opportunity may be extended into year 11 in lieu of one or more option subjects. 


 Core Subjects, e.g. Year 10 (subject to annual review)

  • English Language and English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Double Science


Option Subjects on Offer, (subject to annual review)

Students can choose from:

  • Art and Design
  • Business Studies
  • Creative iMedia
  • Design and Technology
  • 3D Design
  • Drama
  • Film Studies
  • Hospitality and Catering
  • Music – GCSE or BTEC Music Technology
  • Philosophy and Ethics
  • Physical Education – GCSE or Cambridge National
  • Textiles

In total, each student chooses four option subjects. We strongly encourage students to select a minimum of one of the options below, although many chose more than this.

  • Geography
  • French
  • History
  • Computer Science

Key Stage 5 – Sixth Form

King Solomon International Business School welcomed its first Sixth Form group in September 2020 when students in Year 12 are admitted.  Year 13 will open in September 2021.  We have an open access Sixth Form, i.e. transfer from Year 11 to Sixth Form will be based on attitude to learning and further study rather than solely academic ability.

The KS5 curriculum incorporate the opportunity for both academic and vocational study, offering both BTEC and A Level courses based initially on a suite of subjects to linked to the world of Business.  Our students are guided towards increased personal and academic independence through our extra-curricular programme.  Our dedicated Sixth Form team will ensure that students leave the Sixth Form confident and prepared for their futures at university, as apprentices or within the workplace. Further details of the courses offered at KS5 are available in the Sixth Form prospectus. All Sixth Form students follow a tutorial programme which includes UCAS preparation and financial awareness.   Students attend a weekly assembly/tutorial session and are encouraged to become subject ambassadors supporting staff and students in younger years.


We understand that the quality of our Curriculum will impact on a broad range of student indicators, therefore we monitor achievement data, external examination outcomes, student behaviour in lessons, attitudes towards learning, social time behaviour/relationships, attendance and destination data.  We believe that students, staff and parents all have an important voice in ensuring our Curriculum is high quality and meets the needs of all students.

Special Educational Needs

Our curriculum reflects requirements for inclusion and equality as set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014 and Equality Act 2010, and refers to curriculum related expectations of governing boards set out in the Department for Education’s Governance Handbook. 2. Support and teaching staff set high expectations for all students. They will use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets and plan challenging work for all groups, including:

  • More able students and students with low prior attainment
  • Students from disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Students with SEND

Students with English as an additional language (EAL)

Teachers will plan lessons so that students with SEN and/or disabilities can study every National Curriculum subject, wherever possible, and ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving.  Teachers will also take account of the needs of students whose first language is not English. Lessons will be planned so that teaching opportunities help pupils to develop their English, and to support pupils to take part in all subjects.  Further information can be found and in our SEND policy.  For example, we have an “over and above” approach to Pupil Premium students, this means that staff should be aware of any historical gaps in opportunities or learning PP students may have and where this is the case, staff are expected to make reasonable adjustments to address any issues.

In year 7 students are initially taught within their assigned tutor groups then, following GL testing the students will streamed in the core subjects.  In Year 8 students are taught in 3 bands (KSI).  Students are then grouped by ability in the Core subjects, MFL and PE.  There is common setting in Humanities (Geography, History, Religious Studies) and Art. Mixed ability setting is used in Technology and Performing Arts. There are also combinations that include trilogy science rather than separate science and an additional free choice.

Some students may need Entry Qualifications and includes life skills and an Asdan qualification. Students may be chosen to participate in the Grace curriculum which is a separate provision for students who require a learning experience in a specialist environment which also facilitates high quality work experience placements. In addition to the choices made, pupils will continue to participate in Physical Education as a vital aspect of health and well-being.  

Home Learning

We recognise the importance and value of home learning. This operates as an extension of classwork and it is a vehicle to practice skills, acquire new skills, develop good study habits and develop more independent learning. At KS3 there is the expectation that students will complete either a task as set by their class teacher at least once every 5 lessons and often more. KS4 students will undertake independent study of at least 1 hour or more per subject per week.  KS5 students are expected to complete independent study of at least 2 hours per subject per week.

Personal Development Curriculum

We have a strong personal development programme which supports students in developing their personal, social, moral and cultural awareness.  Building their independence and sense of responsibility.  PSHE is promoted through a variety of ways including the tutorial programme as well as in many subject areas (e.g History, Geography, RS, English and Business).   We seek to promote good relationships throughout the school community and genuine tolerance and understanding of all cultures.   We actively promote opportunities for students to work together, in a variety of situations both within and beyond lessons.  Students have extensive opportunities to take responsibility through activities such as the learning ambassadors and prefects, representing the school on interview panels, sports leadership and assisting at parents’ evenings.  PDC throughout Years 7 - 13 contributes to a number of cross-curricular areas, including personal organisation and study skills, health education (including drugs education, relationship and sex education and personal safety), environmental education, economic and industrial awareness, knowledge of key dispositions within religious studies and careers education. The programme is taught by form tutors within a dedicated tutorial session within year groups, supported by specialist staff and outside speakers.

Careers Education and Work-Related Learning

Students have access to specific careers advice in every year group.  This is delivered through PD days (3 annually) and through the Edge programme.  There are opportunities for students to meet with employers and attend careers fairs and University visits.  All students in Y9, Y11 and Y13 have 1:1 interview to inform destination planning and applications.  We have a dedicated team of Careers and work-related learning specialists who plan organise and facilitate a wide range of experiences for all students in every year group.  In year 12 all students are encouraged to participate in work experience week.  

Monitoring and Evaluation

Our Curriculum is monitored through drawing on information such as achievement data, student behaviour in lessons, learning walk snapshots, review of schemes of work and teacher planning.  The quality of the curriculum impacts on all of these areas.  In addition, we will take student and staff voice into account to ensure triangulation and accuracy and may include both internal and external personnel for Quality Assurance purposes.

 SMSC, Relationships Sex Education & British Values

At King Solomon International Business School we provide a positive ethos based upon British values that are shared across the school community. The culture and ethos of the school promotes respect as well as healthy and productive attitudes towards learning, life and work. Students are encouraged to contribute to the life and work of the school and, from the earliest stages, to exercise their responsibilities as members of a community. The focus of SMSC and RSE programmes is to empower students to stay safe and share the positive British values of society.

British ValuesWe uphold and teach pupils about British Values which are defined as: 

  • Democracy 
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect 
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs  

These values are reflected in our own school values and taught explicitly through the Collective Worship programme and Religious Education. We also teach British Values through planning and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. 

PSHE Overview of the course Personal, social and health education (PSHE) is a statutory but non-examined subject. It helps to give students the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. It is here that your child will learn about bullying, citizenship, drug education, healthy eating, physical activity, mental and emotional health, wellbeing, and sex and relationships. Our Programme of Study also aims to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking.

Topics covered within PSHE cover three core themes:

   (i) health and wellbeing

   (ii) relationships

   (iii) living in the wider world

Wider Topics Include:

  • Alcohol, smoking and drugs
  • Personal health
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Bullying
  • Risk and safety
  • Identity and Values
  • Communities and Diversity
  • Personal finance, money and consumerism
  • Family and relationships
  • Relationship and sex education (RSE)
  • Homework is not set within PSHE.

Class Groupings Students are taught PSHE in their form groups (mixed ability groups) during tutor time. Workshops throughout the year are often delivered in full year groups. Students are taught PSHE within their form rooms, throughout the year, a variety of topics are covered in the hall with input from staff and specialist agencies.

Departmental EthosThe curriculum throughout KS3 and KS4 is predominantly in place to give students the knowledge and understanding that they need in order to manage their lives safely, happily and successfully. Throughout Years 7 – 11 all students will receive an age appropriate curriculum based around:

  • Alcohol, smoking and drugs
  • Personal health
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Bullying
  • Risk and safety
  • Identity and Values
  • Communities and Diversity
  • Personal finance, money and consumerism
  • Family and relationships
  • Relationship and sex education (RSE)

Relationship and Sex Education

We aim to provide an environment at King Solomon where young people can develop and flourish.  RSE is fundamental part of our SMSC programme preparing students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. RSE here focuses on relationships and issues that arise from relationships. In delivering RSE it is our aim for pupils to develop a healthy, safer lifestyle.

During the school year there are a number of discrete sessions where pupils focus on RSE issues. Our SRE curriculum is in line with statutory guidance on RSE. Planning also takes into consideration local priorities reached through agreement with the Child protection and Pastoral team.  Some discrete RSE sessions may be in smaller single sex groups in order to provide pupils with an environment where they feel comfortable and to enable them to get the maximum benefit from each session. For example, sex education is delivered in smaller single sex groups.

Parents have the legal right to request to have their child excused from sex education. Sex education is delivered as part of the RSE curriculum. For any child to be withdrawn a request would need to be put in writing to the Head Teacher. Parents only have the legal right to withdraw children up until three terms before the child turns 16. After that point, if the child wishes to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn, the school should make arrangements to provide the child with sex education.


We aim to provide a community ethos that enables students to grow as individuals, appreciating their own worth and the worth of others. Throughout the curriculum in all subjects, staff work towards developing the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) needs of all students. SMSC education develops pupils’ appreciation and understanding of different people’s feelings and values, cultural diversity and different communities. 

Collective Act of Worship

Here at King Solomon International Business School we have a fully dedicated Chaplaincy team which plans and delivers the Collective Act of Worship. The calendar provides students with an opportunity to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore their own beliefs. The aim is to develop community spirit, promote a common ethos and shared values, and reinforce positive attitudes. Each week the Collective Act of Worship calendar has a focus that provides pupils with an opportunity for reflection and spiritual development. The focus of the week is delivered through the end of day assembly, for each year group and is usually led by Senior Leadership. 


Homework is compulsory at King Solomon as it is considered to be one of the principal ways in which pupil achievement can be raised.  The use of digital technologies and our Virtual Learning Platform will be encouraged. The home work timetable for each year group is available via the links below:

Secondary outcomes 2023

KS4 Cohort



Ebacc Entry

Ebacc APS

Ebacc 5+

Ebacc 4+

4+ Eng


4+ EM


5+ EM
























