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King Solomon International Business School


Safeguarding at King Solomon International Business School

King Solomon International Business school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our children and young people. We believe that:

  • Our children and young people have the right to be protected from harm, abuse and neglect
  • Our children and young people have the right to experience their optimum mental and physical health
  • That every child and young person has the right to an education and they need to be safe and to feel safe in school
  • Children and young people need support that matches their individual needs, including those who may have experienced abuse
  • Our children and young people have the right to express their views, feelings and wishes and voice their own values and beliefs
  • Our children and young people should be encouraged to respect each other’s values and support each other
  • Our children and young people have the right to be supported to meet their emotional, social and mental health needs as well as their educational needs. We will ensure clear systems and processes are in place to enable identification of these needs. Including consideration of mental health needs may become a safeguarding need.
  • Our school will contribute to the prevention of abuse, victimisation, bullying (including homophobic, biphobic, trans-phobic and cyberbullying), exploitation, extreme behaviours, discriminatory views and risk taking behaviours
  • We are committed to keeping our children and young people safe, both in school and within the wider community.  As part of our safeguarding arrangements, we have two-way information sharing in place with West Midlands Police.  The agreement is compliant with Crime and Disorder Act 1988 (s.115) and Data Protection Act 1998 (s.29.3:s.35.2.), and focuses on preventing young people from becoming involved in crime and anti-social behaviour as a victim or offender. Keeping Children Safe in Education is new statutory guidance and replaced the government’s previous safeguarding guidance, updated 2020. The guidance applies to all schools and colleges. It covers safeguarding information for all staff and how schools should manage safeguarding as well as important things such as safer recruitment of staff.  It explains that everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
  • It also includes guidance on what to do if you are worried a child is being abused.  Parents/carers interested in the guidance can find it here: – Keeping Children Safe in Education

The designated Safeguarding lead in King Solomon reports to the Heads of School.

The designated safeguarding leads (DSL) at King Solomon is Mrs Rey (Primary) and Ms Millington (Secondary.)

The role of the DSL is to oversee and manage referrals.  This includes referring all cases of child abuse to the Local Authority Children’s Social Care and Health.  Their role is to work with the Heads of School and inform them of issues including ongoing enquiries. The DSLs are well supported by our other Deputy Safeguarding Leads and our partnership work with outside agencies, who all have an important role in safeguarding. Our school liaison Police Officer, PC Mason who gives us significant support and advice, and if needed will offer support to our children/young people and families. There may be times, as a parent or carer, when you need advice or information when caring for your child.  In addition to class teachers, Form Tutor, Pastoral Team or the Inclusion Staff, you are able to contact Mrs Rey/Miss Millington Designated Safeguarding Lead, and PC Mason, School Link Officer.


If you feel you need Safeguarding support contact:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Rey (Primary) and Miss Millington (Secondary) 

If you feel that you have a concern about your own child or another family or child and you feel that you need to contact Birmingham Children’s Trust directly:

Birmingham Children’s services:       0121 303 1888

Other Contacts for support

School:                                0121 357 1905

Safeguarding Number: 07955401362

Local Police:                       101

Emergency:                        999

Feeling unwell:                  111                        

King Solomon Support


Primary children and parents are encouraged to speak to a member primary staff in the first instance.


Child Protection and Safeguarding policy (LINK)

 Meet Our Safeguarding Team


safeguarding poster 2024 25.pdf