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King Solomon International Business School


At King Solomon our students are taught a broad and balanced curriculum.

Our Reception aged students follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum and  our students in  Years 1-6  follow the  National Curriculum. In addition to the Core and Foundation subjects of the National Curriculum, our students are also taught at least one Modern Foreign Language as part of our commitment to prepare them to become global citizens.

Our school is rooted in the Christian tradition and is therefore committed to providing an education that seeks to build character and enable students to develop as whole, rounded and spiritual human beings. The Christian ethos provides a framework for the kind of character we want our pupils to develop. We therefore seek to develop student’s ability to recognise good advice, make sound judgements, wise decisions and to be honest, just, fair and resourceful. The Christian ethos of the school creates an environment which cultivates virtues of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, all of which are conducive to a positive learning environment for students and staff to excel. We are highly committed to ensuring that all our students develop spiritually, morally, culturally, socially, emotionally, intellectually, aesthetically and physically.