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King Solomon International Business School


Our Commitment to Inclusion

At King Solomon we take a whole school approach to Inclusion and SEND, it is positioned at the heart of education and not viewed as the exclusive responsibility of the SENCO. We have a responsibility to all our pupils whatever their background and current circumstances. We ensure that they receive accurate AND EARLY identification of their needs so that high quality learning and teaching will lead to positive experiences and outcomes.

Our Commitment to:


We make sure that every child and young person in our schools and settings, whatever their circumstance or ability, has a sense of belonging, feels respected, and is valued for who they are.

Parents and Carers

We understand that there are different types of provision that a child may need at different points in their lives, and that movement between provisions must have a specific purpose which will lead to better outcomes for them as they prepare for adulthood.

Our Staff

Inclusion is positioned at the heart of education leadership and not viewed as the exclusive preserve of the SENCO. We are inclusive and to take a whole school approach to inclusion and SEND.